New member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Most overrated exercises.......
You really are the STUPIDEST motherfucker on this board when it comes to training. I really hope any newbie out there does not heed your ridiculous advice. Good luck getting huge with all those lateral raises and kickbacks, I'll stick to my deads, squats, cleans and bench.
SSAlexSS said:
Let me elaborate.
People keep telling how you have to do squat/dead/bench, isolation (pec deck flys etc) dont work they say.
Well exercises have NOTHING to do with growth. They just determine which muscles get worked.
Furthermore, big compound movements are good for strength. But they dont make a certain bodypart grow bigger than an isolation exercise for it.
IF you know how to do stuff you can get lots of mass with isolation movements, sometimes even more than with compound movements. Because compound movements sometimes have a big tendency to involve other parts, thus less direct stimulation to the target muscle (chest, lower back, quads etc).
So in that way compound are being overrated (for mass).
You really are the STUPIDEST motherfucker on this board when it comes to training. I really hope any newbie out there does not heed your ridiculous advice. Good luck getting huge with all those lateral raises and kickbacks, I'll stick to my deads, squats, cleans and bench.