As I promised to RADAR I would log my cycle on Mod Gr 1-29 (procured at extreme peptide).
My cycle will be a 10 week cycle, 2mg a week, 1mg per injection.
My stats at the morning before the first inject were:
Lenghth 1,83 mtr/ 6ft
Weight: 80kg/176 lbs
Bf: 13.9%
Age: 30
My goals are lowering my BF (to pref 11 or lower) and looking for some anti aging effects (skin tightening).
Any gains in strength is nice, gain in lean muscle is very well appreciated.
My history on gear is 2 cycles of ostarine/mk-2866, hence this is my first inject cycle.
My supps at this moment are: multivitamin, fish oil and need2slin (great product BTW).
My current strenght is:
Bench: 100kg/220lbs
Deadlift: 90kg/198lbs
Squat: 90kg/198lbs
This friday I set my first injection, which I was quite scary (yep, I'm a pussy), but I managed to man up and did it. Is it normal that it is hard to puch the needle through the skin? Or am I just being too carefull?
After the inject I did feel a little light in the head (the headrush?).
Tomorrow will be my first gym night again so I am curious, do not expect much yet.
Did not a good sleep, and my skin seems a little bit tighter, but wheres the weather is great in the Netherlands now, I suspect this is due to the sun.
More to follow shortly.