Wednesday 29 November 2006
Diet Macros
Total: 1438 calories
Fat: 42 377 27%
Carbs: 143 493 35%
Fiber: 20 0 0%
Protein: 131 525 38%
Alcohol: 0 0 0%
Chest and back
Deadlifts - 5 sets of 8
DB Incline Press - 3 sets of 10
Pulldown - 3 sets of 10
Flat Bench - 3 sets of 10
20 mins steady cardio - elliptical
Multivit (1 cap)
B6 (1 caps)
Glucosamine (2 caps)
Glucorell (2 caps)
Sesapure (2 caps)
Apple cider vinegar w/ manuka honey (2 tsps)
Energy/Mood: OK. I am forcing myself to go to the gym, diet is easier. It really is a struggle right now for some reason, but pushing through.



Thank you my lovelies