BEST LEG DAY EVER!!! holy f***ing balls!
so sometimes i get anxious about leg day, because altho i enjoy totally killin it on leg day, i think we can all agree legs can suck sometimes. so today was my first leg day since the new supps, and i though, well shit, today is as good a time as any to increase the weight on every single exercise i do.
and i did. and i KILLED IT! Not only did i not have trouble at all with the increased weight, i felt, on some lifts, i had less trouble than when i was doing the lighter weight! INTENSE!!!
heres what we did:
walking lunges in the bball court, 3 times up and back (works out to approx 3 sets of 30ish), then 10 squats at the end of each set, 60 lbs (previously 50 lbs)
straight leg deads, 3 sets of 10, 135 lbs. (previously 115 lbs??? cant quite remember...)
dead lifts, 5 sets of 10, 185 lbs (again, cant remember what previous weight was...but i know it wasnt that much!!! lol)
calf raises, 3 sets of 12, 150 lbs (probably could have gone heavier, to be honest, dang it)
step backs, 3 sets of 20, 75 lbs (previously 55 lbs ???)
wow. it was alot, and it was intense. well see if i can walk tomorrow
hope my new found strength isnt due to some sort of placebo effect..but even then, who cares? im liking the way i feel in the gym now.
my sore throat/cold-ish symptoms have dissappeared as the day wore on, same thing as yesterday. strange. at this juncture, i have not noticed any sides other than the ones ive mentioned so far....(2am sweat pool, slight libido increase, strength, big muscle pumps, insatiable hunger, and possible sore throat)