I'm still alive, sorry i've been so busy I haven't even thought about posting.
No I haven't been totally on the wagon but I am still at it. Got myself a good pair of shoes to walk on the treadmill and outdoors. I never realized there was so much involved with shoes until doing some recent research. I have been having more foot pain and hated the tennis shoes I was wearing. I have flat feet so I got a shoe to help with overpronating *didn't know there was such a thing* they're brooks and I like them alot. So I won't have the foot pain to detour me from walking.
Running will probably not happen, have never been a runner and my knees give me some grief anyway. I will just walk on a veryhigh incline on the mill.
I got a bag of longgrain brown rice today and some flax seed also. Would like to incorporate the flax in mydiet but not sure how much and what to eat on.
My daughter and I are going to try putting together the little home gym(bench )tomorrow. My hubby keeps forgetting and he wants to set it up in the garage and I DONT want it out there. yech! I am going to put it in our room and he's just gonna have to get over it.