Yeah i know it isn't going to happen overnight. I've been struggling for a looooooong time. I get it in my head once i cheat i may as well have this doughnut or that order of fries and get it out of my system. It is really hard to stop once i start and a very hard habit to break.
I know i need to start using fitday.

Then i'll know if i'm meeting the mark.
Thanks slat for the tip, that's a really good idea.

It's funny, you want something sooo badly but yet it's so hard *for me* to just NOT eat this or that thing that i know will prevent my success. When it shouldn't be so hard. I mean I am in control of my body, why won't I do what my head and heart tell me to do so I can get where i want to be. Why do I always prevent it. It's verry frustrating and makes me

today: 2 eggs(1 yolk) 1/3 c. oats, coffee, meal 2: soft taco (like the one ihad last time) diet soda