mikevegas said:Well okay, you can do whatever you want to do, including test all year. However, why you shouldn't:
(1) It's proven that your steroid receptors will downgrade in as little as three weeks of being on a drug. So to continue to get the benefit you would have to continuously increase dosage every three weeks. Impossible if you plan to do this year round.
(2) Switching drugs in effect starts the receptor cycle all over again, as long as it's a different drug. Going from Cyp to Eth doesn't really qualify. Going from Test to Deca to EQ to ..... etc, is what works here.
(3) You'll completely stop your balls if you stay on test indefinitely. Do you really want to do this? Not to mention other blood and healty issues you can begin to deal with.
(4) If you come off test for such and extended period of time, your hormone system will crash so hard look forward to giving up all those gains you just made. This isn't your intention, is it?
Like I said, year round drugging requires a plan, based around being able to get the right products, or your are just playing with fire with your body. One more thing, what I share with you guys is partially from experience, but mostly from research. I've honestly read at least 8 roid books cover to cover, multiple times. It was scary to see how wrong I had it first time around, and how safe it can be if done right. Education is the best tool to have here, I highly recommend you guys spend $20 or so to get a good book and protect your health.
Respect to you for doing research bro. I understand how you feel about this. However from what i have seen the whole downregulation is bulshit. I see no diferances. Can get exact same gains while runing for blank ammount of time. As far as test shutting you down totaly...any drug will do that. You are only fooling yourself if you think it is any different if you switch up agents and you will not be shut down. I for example know of people that retain good testes size while on test for extended periods of time but uppon adding or switiching to deca etc that is when they are totaly out.
Remember 10 yrs ago people used to run cycles ramped up and ramped down and swore by it. This myth is slowly being debunked by solid facts and results. Ill take results vs theory any day bro.