DIET : I did a pretty good job yesterday w/ following the diet to a T.
Im weighing myself every morning, same time. and will post the results at the end of the week.
Meal 1- Protien Shake
Meal 2- 1 cup egg whites & spinich
Snack- Handful Trail mix ( I got a lil carried away w/ em yesterday ate about a cup!

Meal 3- 6 spears asaragus & 1 can tuna, lemon to flavor
Snack- 1 cup plain low fat, no suger yogurt w/ grapefruit peices
Meal 4- Haddock & 8 spears asaragus or egg whites & spinich
Snack( late night)- protien shake or low fat yogurt w/ fruit ( is this okay? for 10 pm, before bed?)
Havent started the fasted cardio yet....I know thats going to be the golden ticket.
Week 4 of Var- Still no sides- maybe a lil water retention, Strenghts are going up. Staying @ 10mg ED for the rest of the cycle- another 6 weeks ( sound good?)
Day 3 of Clen- Up to 4 doses @ 20- sides are much milder than eca I find. Shakes are bad, sweating, suppressed appeitite, minor headaches here & there.
Other supps- CLA ( before meals 3x a day)
Creatine- Cellmass- 2x daily as directed, 1x 8 hours before workout 1x directly after workout
Yohimbine- Just started taking this w/ meals 3x a day ( heard it was good for stubborn fat loss) is there a certain time of day to take this? The directions arent specific, should it be taken w/ or without food?
Multi-Vit- w/ Meal 1