Elite Mentor
localgirl said:Hi All,
Since noone is responding Im just gunna use fitday & assume that I am doing things correctly.
My meal plan is really good. I figured out how much my BMR is, still have a few questions about how much my calorie intake actually should be...Im trying to keep it between 1100-1500 for fat loss.
I was expecting a lil more feddback, but I guess Im on the right track ( and I know since I cannot post photos ya'll cant really see the progress.)
Did back last night, my lifts are going up, but back has always been a strong muscle group for me.
Thanks for all the words of wisdom.
Too many cooks spoil the broth, and as you have DBBT looking out for you, I am not going to interfere.

ONE little thing though, if that is your BMR, you need to multiply by your activity level. There is even a multiplier if you don't train at all.
If you base your total daily calories on your BMR only, it is possible you will lose lean tissue and possibly mess up your metabolism a bit.