localgirl said:
Thank you Tat-
Your right. It is extremely hard to tell on yourself sometimes.
Can you elaborate on CKD ? What are the pro's & con's..
Just doing some research on it & its sparked my interest.
Though I am not sure how I feel about No carbs- kinda silly to me!
I think it stands for cyclic ketogenic diet, or timed ketogenic diet.
You limit your carbs except for certain times of the day, so for example, post work-out is an essential, then some people often take carbs in pre-workout as well.
Ok, I am going to play good cop bad cop with Thandie
If you are not getting ready for a comp or have to make a weight for a comp, I think that a flexible dieting approach really works.
Going off your diet for a weekend is not going to wipe out the weeks of dieting you have done, and the extra calories and fat may just kick your metabolism into high gear again.
People who have a more relaxed approach to dieting often maintain their weight and a healthy eating plan than those who are really rigid with their diet.
The bodyfat on the scale is probably water, they are not that accurate.
This is the thing about having a weekly free meal, you can still have a clean 'cheat'. The idea is just to get a few more calories into you or eat what you are craving. It is good for you both psychologically and physically.
For example, right now I would love rice cakes with peanut butter, or oat cakes, or these quinoa bars sweetened with rice syrup. All quite clean cheats.
I wouldn't recommend eating things that have you kick off into a binge though.
Some people are great at just having half a pizza and stopping, others would end up having to have the ENTIRE pizza, garlic bread, tiramisu for desert..................
I know I have to be careful with fat, especially dark chocolate with SUGAR as I will eat a whole bar a day for about a week once I get the taste.