I underwent complete right hip joint replacement on Sept 23. Here I am thinking about a new lower body routine.I will not become half-a-body and avoid leg work when I am released to train again October 6. And I will protect this new part. Not going to dislocate or break it.
I will have a PT for 3 times a day, 6 weeks. But unless he is (was) a squater, we won't be on the same page.
I can see that calf raises are in. Might lower the weight and slow down the action. As are ham curls and front extensions. Slow and steady.
But ... what squat? I have to keep away from that joint and bomb the quads. I'm not supposed to break 90 degrees knee to hip to shoulder.
What about Hacks? Back flat on sled, pads on shoulders, foot platform and rails set at 90 ..... Your opinion?
And what ab exercises? I used to do hanging leg lifts with weights on ankles .... and declines with 50 lb plate on chest. What now??