Awesome job man. It's good seeing someone actually eat correctly for mass instead of clueless dudes thinking the mcdonalds value meal is the answer...makes me wanna pull my hair out
Keep it up
Here is my meal plan for today, I went a lil crazy cause I was trying to shred but my body is demanding food and I am working again for a 14 day shift so I do need the fuel.
5am 4 eggs, small scoop beans, 1 slice whole wheat toast, half cup oatmeal, some pineapple / blueberry, tbsp pb, 1 scoop quickmass( probably unnecessary)
10 am- Small Tuna sandwich, 1 scoop quickmass/ quarter cup oats, 4 eggs, 4 egg whites ,3 tbs pb for my celery , handful broccoli
130pm - quarter cup oats with cinnamon and 1 scoop quickmass, 2 eggs, 6 egg whites, handful broccoli/ celery with 1 tbsp pb, 1 can sardines
4 pm 1 scoop quickmass/ quarter cup oats
5 30-7pm savage workout
715 chicken, cup of rice , bunch a greens and a little quinoa
815 (body still growling I am not even feeling full , so I ate 1000cals mixed nuts and raisins )
Laying here now debating a small snack for bed but ill pass.
In total it's one full serving quickmass (1010 cals)
Not sure why I am so hungry but it feels like I need it not just want it..