jmt24 said:
i used to do that all the time, asking questions about cycling and diet advice but no one knows you, like yourself. what worked for one person, won't work for another. from what ive seen you say, you seem to know your stuff pretty well. go with your instincts and change things as you go if you need.
Ya I understand what you are saying. But I like to see averages of everthing. That way I know the rages of everything such as
Average Cutting calories intake-Bulking intake-Amount of dosages from high and low amount of gear/supplements-amount and type of cardio time. Then I use those averages to figure out what I should start off with. Also its nice when I have someone like slaughter that has similar body type. I would like to see before pics of you before you were below 15%. But anyway. thats how I go about learning. I am still new. Not to lifting as much as I am dieting. I mean I used to starve and dehydrate the shit outta myself to make weight for wrestling tournoments but now realize how retarded that really is. Also i used to do NO carb deits and although I had success with it never found it long term. This time i feel that I am changing more of a lifestyle way of eating. Not just a diet.