you are 100% wrong. the symptoms of an abcess mimic spider bites and there will be a puncture wound from the injection. not all spiders are huge leaving terrible bite marks. how do i know? my uncle almost lost his leg from a tiny spider bite you could hardly see. who gave me this advice? my friend, who is a doctor.
as for self medicating, you are also wrong. you cannot self medicate. period. end of story. anything put in your chart, which insurance companies read regularly, that shows you took prescription meds without a prescription is illegal and voids most health insurance in the future as you are considered a risk. blood work will not show what aas he is on. they wont even be looking at that. funny you say insurance companies cant do shit. too funny. either youre too young to know what youre talking about or you just dont know. heres free advice, never admit to self medicating to a doctor. once its in your chart, youre fucked.
and just because you can order prescription meds illegally on line doesnt mean its ok to take them. that makes zero sense.