It's nice to see all these helpfull replies 
My current workout routine is like this:
10 minute warmup (bicycling)
(I believe the weights range somewhere between 45-65 1RM, I do have 1-2 warmup sets on the compound movements)
Situps: 3x30
Hyperbackextension: 3x15
Squat: 5-6x5-8
Benchpress(Close grip): 6x5-8
Stifflegged Deadlift: 5x5-6
DB shoulderpress(sitting): 3x8
Good mornings: 3x8
Lying tricep extension w/EZ bar: 3x8
Situps: 3x20
Hyperbackextension: 3x12
Squat: 5-6x5-8 (the weights are somewhere between 45-60 1RM)
Tri-set(the triset method is used for the 4 last sets of the benchpress and the incline benchpress)
Benchpress: 5x5-8
Incline benchpress: 5-6x5-6
Barbell rows: 4x8
Preacher/bicep curl: 4x8
Deadlift: 6x5-6
Standing shoulder press: 5x5-6
Situps: 3x20
Hyperbackextensions: 3x25
Squat: 6x6-8
Benchpress(medium grip): 5-6x5-8
Deadlift(wide grip): 6x5-6
Good mornings: 3x8
Dips: 3x8
Pullups: 3x6
I have one day rest between each day, It's on these rest days that i do the/those 40 minutes of bicycling.
My diet varies but i believe it to be very clean, But I'm surely open for suggestions for improvement.
My diet consist of: Tuna, cottage cheese, protein powder, shrimps, salmon, cod, chicken, low fat soft cheese, basa, trout, eggs, olive/sunflower/canola oil, flax seeds, wholegrain rice, rolled oats(i haven't found steelcut one's), raspberries, strawberries, broccoli, spinach, soy sauce and water(not that it has any calories or anything..).
It's mostly been tuna, cottage cheese, protein powder, shrimps, salmon, trout, oils, chicken and some: oats, raspberries, flax seeds, low fat soft cheese, wholegrain rice, spinach, broccoli and soy sauce lately.
I stay between 0-18 g sugars, coming from raspberries/soft cheese/cottage cheese/kli mostly, each day.
Fiber is 3-35 g each day depending on if i use kli or not.
Saturated fats is between 9-25 g per day.
Sodium is 490-590 mg each day, I've added some soy sauce to my diet due to not having enough sodium in the diet. (I found out that the daily minimu was 500 mg).
Cholesterol intake is 115-400 mg.
I also count and measure all my intake. I try to keep track of the calories i burn too, But it's not as easy as counting the intake. But i try to.
I do take a fatty acid supplement and some multi vitamins.
I kind of want to cut more bodyfat, But I'm starting to get to a very low weight which i don't like much. All i want is to progress as fast and best as possible towards becoming a bodybuilder.
I like to learn and help others, But I'm not very confident when it comes to teaching others what i know/read/have heard etc. I'm just saying that i really like to learn about exercise, nutrition and other subjects evolving exercise/strength training/fitness/bodybuilding.
Balboa29: Maybe i should mention that i gained 25-30 kg between summer 2009 and summer 2010. I have also grown 8 cm since that time. I was mentally unstable and had the wrong view on things, food was among those things, which led to me becoming severely underweight. But I'm much better now, Both mentally and physically. I don't believe that my genetics have me doomed as scrowny and small.
Let me know if i forgot anything.
Thank you all for the great introduction and for replying

My current workout routine is like this:
10 minute warmup (bicycling)
(I believe the weights range somewhere between 45-65 1RM, I do have 1-2 warmup sets on the compound movements)
Situps: 3x30
Hyperbackextension: 3x15
Squat: 5-6x5-8
Benchpress(Close grip): 6x5-8
Stifflegged Deadlift: 5x5-6
DB shoulderpress(sitting): 3x8
Good mornings: 3x8
Lying tricep extension w/EZ bar: 3x8
Situps: 3x20
Hyperbackextension: 3x12
Squat: 5-6x5-8 (the weights are somewhere between 45-60 1RM)
Tri-set(the triset method is used for the 4 last sets of the benchpress and the incline benchpress)
Benchpress: 5x5-8
Incline benchpress: 5-6x5-6
Barbell rows: 4x8
Preacher/bicep curl: 4x8
Deadlift: 6x5-6
Standing shoulder press: 5x5-6
Situps: 3x20
Hyperbackextensions: 3x25
Squat: 6x6-8
Benchpress(medium grip): 5-6x5-8
Deadlift(wide grip): 6x5-6
Good mornings: 3x8
Dips: 3x8
Pullups: 3x6
I have one day rest between each day, It's on these rest days that i do the/those 40 minutes of bicycling.
My diet varies but i believe it to be very clean, But I'm surely open for suggestions for improvement.
My diet consist of: Tuna, cottage cheese, protein powder, shrimps, salmon, cod, chicken, low fat soft cheese, basa, trout, eggs, olive/sunflower/canola oil, flax seeds, wholegrain rice, rolled oats(i haven't found steelcut one's), raspberries, strawberries, broccoli, spinach, soy sauce and water(not that it has any calories or anything..).
It's mostly been tuna, cottage cheese, protein powder, shrimps, salmon, trout, oils, chicken and some: oats, raspberries, flax seeds, low fat soft cheese, wholegrain rice, spinach, broccoli and soy sauce lately.
I stay between 0-18 g sugars, coming from raspberries/soft cheese/cottage cheese/kli mostly, each day.
Fiber is 3-35 g each day depending on if i use kli or not.
Saturated fats is between 9-25 g per day.
Sodium is 490-590 mg each day, I've added some soy sauce to my diet due to not having enough sodium in the diet. (I found out that the daily minimu was 500 mg).
Cholesterol intake is 115-400 mg.
I also count and measure all my intake. I try to keep track of the calories i burn too, But it's not as easy as counting the intake. But i try to.
I do take a fatty acid supplement and some multi vitamins.
I kind of want to cut more bodyfat, But I'm starting to get to a very low weight which i don't like much. All i want is to progress as fast and best as possible towards becoming a bodybuilder.
I like to learn and help others, But I'm not very confident when it comes to teaching others what i know/read/have heard etc. I'm just saying that i really like to learn about exercise, nutrition and other subjects evolving exercise/strength training/fitness/bodybuilding.
Balboa29: Maybe i should mention that i gained 25-30 kg between summer 2009 and summer 2010. I have also grown 8 cm since that time. I was mentally unstable and had the wrong view on things, food was among those things, which led to me becoming severely underweight. But I'm much better now, Both mentally and physically. I don't believe that my genetics have me doomed as scrowny and small.
Let me know if i forgot anything.
Thank you all for the great introduction and for replying

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