Dude, One or two nights of boozing won't kill your deal! PERIOD! The danger lies here! When you drink the following chain reaction normally follows- 1- You want to eat JUNK FOOD! (tell I'm wrong!)lol 2- Your Training will suffer, if you even do it 3- Depending on your body chemistry, you will fell like shit for a day or two, and them back to normal!
I just TESTED this Theory this weekend! Thurs night 8oz's crown -danced my ass off so no calorie issue. Friday night 7oz's crown royal- I was at my hunting lease and there is a target rich night club 30 min's from the lease. Well I ate about 1000 cal's of crap on Sat, and missed my training Sat. But I'm still ripped to shreads, so ??????
`I am very motivated now however to see this through to the day of my show Nov 1st- so all in all, WELL WORTH IT!