Re: ..
JJ from GoodTimes said:
The only thing about hard liquor is that if you are cutting and taking supps then your kidneys are already working overtime, beer maybe easier on the body
Well not necessarily, that all depends on how much beer is drank. You can easily match the amount of alcohol drank in the form of hard liquor by drinkin beer, if you drink fast enough.
SC is right though, you never must drink. It's a choice you gotta make. Can you still get cut and do some drinking? Yes. Is it gonna take you longer to get cut? Likely. Do you stand the risk of losing muscle due to cutting for a longer period of time, or does the lengthy road at fat loss prevent some gains that may have been made? I'd have to say this is likely too.
That's not even getting into alcohol's effects on protein sythesis and metabolism.
But, if you decide that you "must" drink, the be smart. I'm sure if you search the net and find calorie contents of beers and liquors. If my knowledge serves me correctly, tequilla is the lowest calorie liquor. But then again, who drinks it straight. Throw in some OJ for some sunrises, or drink margaritas and you've got alot of calories. I'd have to say something mixed with tonic water or a diet pop (as Stryc-9 mentioned), would be your best bet. Like gin or vodka and tonic, or something. Or you could go with a low cal beer like Mich Light or Miller Light.
The most important things if you decide to drink. Obviously, don't overdo it. But make sure you are well hydrated before and after, and if possible, during your night of drinking. I wouldn't hurt to have some good food in your stomach before you go out. Just make sure you don't starve yourself since you're too busy drinkin. Alcohol messes up metabolism, so eating while drinking really isn't in your best interest. Also wouldn't hurt to have some B vitamins in you before you drink either. Alcohol does a nice job of depleting these. I don't know if I'd suggest a multi though. I read a study before relating beta-carotene (vitamin A) with increased liver toxicity while drinking, and multi's always have high levels of it. Not sure how true or credible the study is, but it's something to think about. This is all in an attempt to MINIMIZE the ill effects of alcohol, although you definitely can't eliminate them unless you don't drink.
I don't see anything wrong with occasional partying. I'm in college so I go out drinking now and then too. But if its a every Fri/Sat thing, its likely to hold back your progress.