Theemperor, I'm really sorry for hurting you by saying my story. I really wanted to share my story. I thought it would make me sleep better at night. I also thought that telling other people what a high dose steroid, with someone that's as normal and friendly as me can do!
I want to make sure that people understand that you MUST be careful when on steroids. One MUST make sure they don't try to go on a very high dose, just so they can get a couple of extra pounds in trade for horrible things like i did.
Your advice is really good. I will look out for him and once I find him I will give him a very big sorry, i will also pay him ANY medical expenses AND pay or do ANYTHING i can to help him. I just hope when he sees me, he does not fall over dead from a heart attack. If he does not, i prey that he will accept my Apology and accept my help. Crushing his fingers with the back wheel of the half loaded walmart cart really is hard to say sorry for and not to mention putting my 216 pounds of force into his hip does not make it any easier to say sorry for, but it's the LEAST i can do.