Exodus said:
SSAlexSS......... i agree with a lot of what you say
Are you kidding me bro? SSAlexSS - I don't know where in the hell you're coming up with this shit. First off, MonStar was being very cordial in refuting your opinions until your blatant arrogance lit his fuse...and I don't blame him.
You have to be a complete and total ass to sit there and tell everyone on this board that by working out more than 2x/week that they're not going to make any growth gains, but just get fat. I've never heard such a load of horse shit in my life, and I've heard a LOT. As others have said, myself included, working out 4x/week is great. I do a Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri workout week and I've made gains nearly every week. Just these past 4 weeks I've gained over 5 pounds, and little, if any, is fat. I can see that when I look in the mirror. Granted it's been after being off for a while, but regardless. Your dumbass comments are telling at least 80% of the people on here that they're training wrong. On the contrary,
how wrong you are!
As MonStar said, you must be the odd man out, because I've never heard of someone training 2x/week and making gains. Go up to guys in your gym YOU think have obviously made good gains and ask 'em how many times they work out per week. I guarantee you you'll be hard pressed to find someone who agrees with you. It's nice that works for you, but for the majority of us, we'll stick to our 3, 4 or 5x/week...thanks. Keep your trap shut if you're going to tell everyone who disagrees with you they're wrong.
Oh yeah, and you can get 1000g of brand name creatine for around $25, so get off that $49 B.S.
Originally posted by Super Girl 22
First of all, i'm far from a poser. and i'm not in it for the looks. i get those without working out so dont try to play yourself. i love the sport and i love what i get out of it. i've learned how to deal with my stress and aggravation in a productive way plus i love the feeling i have when i walk out of the gym after an intense workout. so stop being a bitch
LOL! Don't take too much offense. She's just pissed because there's someone else with the words "super" and "girl" in their nick. I don't have anything against you Supergirl, but don't make the mistake of judging someone you don't know over as petty an issue as a screen name...seriously.

Who gives a shit if she'd like some comments? Many people would. If pride in what you've accomplished is to be beaten down, you best start in on a hell of a lot of others on these boards. This doesn't mean someone's in it just for the looks & comments. I'll take 'em as icing on the cake.