MonStar1023 said:
Not to start a debate but I COMPLETELY disagree with what you have said. You honestly dont seem to have any reasoning behind what you have said:
"You will NOT GET BIGGER by training more. 4 times per week is a bit extreme for naturals. Just because all the big boys train 4-4+ times per week IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU SHOULD TRAIN LIKE THEM. It is funny how people try to have the same workouts like the pros do yet don't take steroids and aren't such genetically gifted like the pros."
No one ever said that you would get bigger by training more. A routine of 4x per week is NOT extreme or excessive. Between 3-4x per week is a good amount of training and its not by any means excessive in my opinion.
"Infact some of todays guys are SO LUCKY and take SO MUCH STEROIDS that ANY routine will work for them. However I don't think that you are one of them. Just because latest Mr O is doing 4x times per week does not mean that you should be working out 4x week."
The latest Mr. O trains 6 DAYS per week NOT 4. So just understand that a natural CAN get by with 4x per week. As much as you think you have to inject all kinds of steroids to train more than 3x per week.
"Also, FORGET ABOUT SUPPLEMENTS! Suplements can not make a poor program work! Do not listen to Grizzly. What works for him WILL NOT WOKR FOR YOU. And I do not even think that his routines works so good for him either."
Bullshit forget about supplements. What you mean to say is that supplements cannot take the place of a sound diet or a solid training program. Supplements do have their place. They SUPPLEMENT your diet. They can HELP you achieve your goals. Supplements are not magic pills that completely change your entire body but they do help. How the hell would you know what would work for someone else? How do you know Grizzly's routine doesnt work wonders for him? I dont think its cool to try and tell someone else what their routine does for them bro.
Everyone is different bro. I can understand what your saying about a woman looking feminine. But bare in mind that not every single woman wants the same thing. I also wouldnt argue that NO man would look at a woman whos big and muscular. Personally, it doesnt appeal to me, but there are definitely guys out there that it appeals to. And a lot of guys would rather be skinny and scrawny than big and buff. Everyone's different bro. 
4 times per week is excessive for SIZE GAINS for most people. Only RAREST people can workout so much with sucess. Chances are that 4 times per week is too much.
In bodybuilding LESS IS MORE. We are not strength athletes, we are hypertrophy athletes. For hypertrophy you need recovery! What is the point in working out so much that you don't give your muscles enough time to recover?
As you grow stronger and bigger your recivery ability does not goes up as your ability to damage muscles through hard poundages.
"natural can get big by working out 4x"
Fat maybe. But not muscular big unless you have extraordinary genetics and circumstances (16 hours of sleep and crapload of steroids. Yeh, mild ones. A bit of deca, anavar and clenbuterol. Not real steroids like testerone and anadrol. so you are still natural.
"Bullshit forget about supplements. What you mean to say is that supplements cannot take the place of a sound diet or a solid training program. Supplements do have their place. They SUPPLEMENT your diet. They can HELP you achieve your goals."
True, suplements work, at eating your money. And with good program they can work. BUT, if that program ain't 4x time per week ********************!
Grizzly's routine might work for him (or atleast he thinks so). But he shouldn't force people to use HIS INSANE routine! Working out so much per week might not bring the most muscle to you and you ghet disappointed. And then you resort to steroids and well, ruin yourself.
Let me tell you. One guy decided to start to bodybuild, hopefully I wasn't his role model. Well he visited me working out in my school gym and call me crazy. I was working out 2 times per week doing basic compound moves and killing myself. He kept saying "you onbly do big compound movements". ":2 times per week? BAH! I do more!"
he is very determined. He eats every 2 hours, bring s his tuna to math class - etc. He even has a log of what he has eaten that day. I don't have that.
Guess what ? While I am muscular and gaining muscle he is still chubby and it looks like he has never lifted weight in his life.
He started wondering about 'supplements" like creatine. CHILL OFF! You don't look like you have gained anything in your couple month of training. I gained like 20 pounds of muscle. I couldnt see that on him.
So you see parallel here? Working out a lot + Suplements = TROUBLE!
I don't like that guy in particular. But I feel sorry for him. And I feel sorry for Super Girl 22. We will end it on here............................................