Steroids are different from steet drugs entirely. Now of course, both do have the potential for abuse. But as stated earlier, I don't go rob someone because I need a couple bottles of test. I am all for the legalization of marijuana and steroids. Alcohol is legal, and I abuse it occasionally lol. It is a 2 edged sword. The problem is that a lot of drugs are way harmful to the body and will kill you. I have seen many cocaine induced heart attacks and strokes. Meth is another one. Can't really find many deaths related directly to steroids.
If it is legal for people to have their bodies cut up and plastic shoved into them, then anabolics should be legal. Many people die from elective surguries.
I peronally am not a fan of police. But I got to agree on this one. The guy was a piece of shit, and needed to be busted. I have 3 daughters. You think I want that guy out on the street? And on the school board? If he is taking advantage of the homeless, who is to say where he draws the line. What group will he target next to take advantage of?