Bodybyfinaplix is right, if you are gonna binge, make it a doozy and you will be less likely to want to do it again. Eat it till you are sick of it and never want to eat it again. 1 cupcake will leave you wanting another next week and the following week, or more cookies or whatever. But if you snarf down 6 or 8 then you are gonna feel bad (both physically and emotionally) which will help prevent future binges.
Take it from a chronic over-eater, you need to learn to tell yourself when your body is craving food and when you are craving emotional satisfaction. Next time before you grab them cookies, think to yourself, is it a mere mental craving (because you are bored, unhappy, tired, smell induced, etc. OR are you really hungry and would want to eat anything, even a plate of steamed vegies. If you say it is due to true hunger, then eat the vegies, a protein shake, or something healthy... if it is merely a craving, you gotta learn to control those.
Lots of times, when would think I was hungry, and then thought about eating the veggies, or tuna, or whatever, it turned out I was not really hungry at all and I just needed to learn the difference between hunger and a craving.