i use high fat year round.
i calculate all my macros and calories on a daily basis and year round i utilize low carbs and high fat. i tailored it to my schedule. i always get 220 to 300 grams of protein a day, 220 on non training days and 300 on training days.
i'm bulking now so here's an idea:
monday: no training, no carbs, fats between 80 and 100 grams, protein at 220, carbs @ 70 (vegetables only) calories at 2000.
tuesday: same, calories increase by 200 to 2200 for the day.
wed.: training day, have high fat with b-fast (1 can tuna and 3 tablespoons olive oil), no fat after. pre workout i have 1 cup oatmeal and 2 scoops isopure. postworkout is 12 ounces grape juice, 1 cup oatmeal, 2 scoop isopure. then dinner, then before bed, shake with a tablespoon udo's oil. calories at 3000
thurs.: off, cal. at 2200
fri.: same as wed.
sat and sun: healthy carb load. eat @ 250 grams of protein a day, keep fats under 30g, carbs anywhere from 200 to 500.
been maintaining lower than 10% bf for a while now without cardio using this diet.
it works. took me a long time to give in to it but high fat, even when i was on bw x 10 calories and very few carbs post workout, i still maintained a hard physique. can't say the same when i dieted without fats.
seriously, this is the way to go with dieting. be meticulous and do it. if after 12 weeks you are not totally satisfied i'd be shocked. this has changed my life. best thing i've ever done, never plan on stopping.
if you want help setting up a plan, pm me, it seems your trying to do what i've done.
with this diet i was able to cut my waist down to 32", from over 40", cut the love handles from 42" to 32". i'm 5'5", 191 (as of yesterday). i was over 220 with a bf of 27% when i started dieting.