ON is by far my favorite whey, it doesnt get oo thick when you mix it up, and its tastes great, i especcially like the mint chocolate, tastes like girl scout cookies.
I like allthewheys unflavored whey, very inexpensive, i mix it in my post workout shake, with a few serving of hypercell2 (same as cell tech, but cheaper, you can get it for like 23 bucks for 4 lbs.) i do not however like allthewheys flavored proteins, at first they were ok, but after a while i had to choke it down just to drink it, especcialy the vanilla. the chocolate isnt bad, but it mixes up very creamy and thick, and i dont like that. btw, alltheways, service is great, and the t/a is very good, and the prices are pretty much unbeatable.