OK, I was primarily confused b/c I had the impression that this was something there wasn't a *consensus* on. There are certainly plenty of gray areas... for example, is it appropriate to train chest and back together? Is it right to stretch first & not warm-up?
I had the impression that carb cycling was one of these gray things... i.e. it works wonders for some, but is not necessarily the perfect/best/wonderful way to eat. If it were, why hasn't everyone been doing it all along? Perfect Example... My sister, VooDoo Lady, similar body type to me, obviously same genetics, achieved that body with 60% protein STEADY (no cycling).
Now that I see via this thread that there does seem to be a consensus about the efficacy of cycling, I am much more convinced.
Lobo - if I considered AS, no question I would come here & trust everyone's experience! I also wouldn't have options for sources since there aren't scientific studies. BUT.. there's lots of research on Ketosis, why wouldn't there be research on Carb cycling????
MS, Good point that ppl don't care about Body Builders! Thanks for the info.
OK, now how about those ratios????
Spatts Posted once the following "1) Cycle the carbs, 3 days low and 2 days high. 50g is low, 150g is high.
2) Shoot for at least 1800 cals. On your low carb days, make up the caloric difference with extra protein. "
"You would have to alter the times by when you train, and cycle the carbs 3 days low (.5g/kg body weight) and 2 days high (2.0g/kg body weight). "
Weighing 135 LBS, this equals Low carb: 31 Gram, High: 122 gram. I had been aiming for ratios of 40%P, 30C, 30F. Apparently that would be my breakdown on a high carb day. So to still reach close to 2,000 cal on a low carb day, I'd have nearly 300 gram Protein & 60% protein? Yikes!
Is this appropriate for both bulking & cutting?
I won't go keto - I don't need to deal with BKH (Bitchy Ketogenic Haze) - I'm evil enough on my own!
Someone just tell me what to eat!
& I'll shut up!