That's exactly how I get when I drop my carbs really low lol
Yeah its no fun, apart from when you wake up and look in the mirror lol, I don't think anyone could accuse me of being in bad condition, but I want to finish up tighter....
Day 24!
Legs and back; Todays workout was very brief, my training partner and good friend Mark had to make it to the dentist, and I was also in a rush to pick my boy up from school, we kept rest very short and blasted this out in under 45mins
Frankenstein squats, five sets 10reps@70, 10reps@95, 10reps@110, 10 reps@110 10reps@130
Speed squats, two sets 12reps@130 12reps@130
Leg press calf-raise, two sets 20reps@440 20reps@550
Supinated dumbbell rows four sets 10reps@25, 10reps@35, 10reps@40, 10reps@55
Pronated dumbell rows, 2 sets 10reps@40 8reps@55
8am 60g oats cooked in water, whey shake and green tea
11am 3 eggs in a wholewheat pitta with brown sauce
12.30pm 2 bananas
1.30-2.10pm Workout, post workout shake with 25g whey 75g dextrose
3.30pm tuna tomato and beetroot in a wholewheat pitta with garlic and herb dressing
6.30pm one orange
7.30pm one large chicken breast, small potato and broccoli
9.30pm chicken and tomato in a wholewheat pitta with garlic and herb dressing
11pm 300g low fat cottage cheese and three teaspoons cod liver oil
Todays workout went well, we put a lot of effort into the new exercises, this is my first run of dumbbell rows and I can already tell they're gonna be one of those back exercises that produce good gains...