Zed, according to my scale I need to eat 2770 calories to maintain my current weight. I haven't been very good at counting or tracking calories, but I have been finding ways to get as many calories as I can in since I started this cycle. I am now up 12 pounds. There is very noticeable difference in the appearance of my muscles and there is without a doubt a very nice "hardening" effect going on. I am watching very close for signs of gyno, and there doesn't seem to be any added sensitivity (other than them being sensitive from me checking them), however my girlfriend pointed out last night that my nipples look "big". So it's something I am monitoring very closely. I have nolvadex on hand, and at what point would I become concerned and begin taking it and possibly discontinue the test? Obviously if something is really wrong then I'll become concerned and stop on my own, but I was wondering what amount of sensitivity if any is acceptable and could be overlooked during a cycle?