I don't know anyone who thinks a pill will permanently raise your testosterone for life...
Clomid is extremely effective at raising testosterone in hypgonadal men. Clomid significantly raises test, LH, FSH. I am happy to post studies but I'm sure you've seen them all, which is why I'm surprised there is even this debate tbh.
It is important to raise those levels quickly while in PCT and your body is regaining it's natural ability to produce testosterone. The point is getting your test levels up quickly in a non-suppressive way so you can hold on to as much of your gains as possible while your body is getting back to baseline.
Based on every study I've ever seen and bloodwork, clomid increases test levels faster and better than any natural test booster. 25mg is a proven dose for clomid across countless studies of hypogonadal men. It is a good drug for PCT and anyone not using it or another SERM like torem in PCT after a mild-heavy cycle is doing themselves a disservice, in my opinion.
Natural test boosters and libido-boosting/feel-good herbs are great and all during PCT. It absolutely helps to keep libido and energy up while in PCT. And they do increase testosterone for some people (clomid doesn't work for everyone either). But for the money, I'm choosing clomid every time. Sure I could spend $155 on phytoserms to maybe raise my levels the claimed 347%, but I could get that same effect for 1/10 of the cost using clomid for 4-6 weeks.
Clomid and natural test boosters both stop working after you stop taking them...so i'm not sure what you mean by "then you start PCT". Are you saying clomid is suppressive?
My pct consists of a combination of clomid, forma or aromasin, and maybe a test/libido booster.
Look at this graph..more than doubled LH, FSH in only 4 weeks. You don't think that more LH is going to bring you back to baseline faster? that's the whole point of an HCG blast and using HCG on cycle.
Recovery of persistent hypogonadism by clomiphene in males with prolactinomas under dopamine agonist treatment for the full study. That is @ 50mg of clomid btw, but there are tons of studies on only 25mg which yield similar results.