Ok I feel bad today as I stuck to my diet to the letter apart from cheat meals but tonight I was out shopping and ate a big mac now I feel guilty but hey I ran past dinner time and when you Gota eat you Gota eat lol
So I'm ashamed to put my calorie intake up lol but here it is
I think thats your first dietay slip up boobsy. So I dont really think it is gonna end the world as we know it.
BUT do not make a habbit of this craziness either! LOL
I could suggest that you do 2 metcons in the next 4 days. Perhaps that would absolve you of the guilt that your feeling. Enjoy and while your doing them think of that Big Mac. hehehe...
Yeah Zed suddenly I think I'm coming down with a hint of lazyitus lmfao
Yeah this is a first and will be a last lol. I go away for couple days next wk to York I've got the Tupperware at the ready to cook up my meals prior. Lol my gf thinks I'm crazy but one cheat meal yeah but three days is a no go !!