With comments like that, I am sure people will be JUMPING to help you.
I really don't like to quote the bible, but what is that classic one:
'The lord helps those that help themselves'.
What else springs to mind:
'Give a man a fish, he eats for the day, teach him to fish, he can eat for the rest of his life'.
I put EVERYTHING including a shopping list in another thread, and 'I don't have the time to read all that', was the reply.
Bodybuilding is a marathon hun, not a sprint.
If you would like to be spoon fed, then hire a personal trainer, a nutritionist and and a coach, or start reading a lot more an experimenting with your diet and training.
Not all the pros have nutritionists and coaches and trainers when they started, they did it themselves.
I would also suggest you read Arnie's Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding.