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This is from Needto in regards to a test/deca cycle:
never ever ever ever run Nolvaldex - tamoxifen citrate - for PCT - post cycle therapy - after Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - . Shit even Clomid would be better but I think you should do this...
soon as cycle is over do 10 days HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin - 1000iu's eod..
then start PCT - post cycle therapy - 25mg Clomid ed and 5 pumps Sustain Alpha ed for 4 weeks as well..
Please keep Femera - letrozole - and dostinex on hand for this cycle.
Also as said B4, the doses are way off for this cycle. 150 mg's of test a week won't do a thing and you need to run the test about 2 weeks longer than the deca.
10 weeks test 400mg's/wk
8 weeks deca 200 mg's/wk
spot on. I like test for 12 and deca for 10 but its still a lot better then what this guy is thinking of doing.