Yup, grip will be weaker if u do as last back exercise, therefore do like Yates did:
do some sets of hyperextensions first to pre-exhaust the spine muscles and use straps.
I guess this Yates freak decided to put deads as last exercise as his muscles generated too much intensity that his joints couldn't handle anymore if he was to do balls to the wall deads as first exercise?
For beginners/intermediate guys i think it is better to do deads as first exercise until you can pull some grueling weight and than shuffle it to after lats/traps
Personally if have split my lats and spinal work in TWO
day 1:
- lats and rdelt
day 2:
- lowerback (hyperextensions/ deadlifts)
- hamstrings (stiff legged deadlifts/leg pulley)
- calves
- traps