Kickboxing last night was interesting.
Usual stuff till the end. We did sparring as active rest with 30 second blasts at dips and step jumps (you get one of those aerobics steps with one foot in the step the other in the floor and alternate foot positions with a jump) also did a lot of restricted sparring ie only use hands or only use legs or only use lead or rear techniques etc. it's kinda unfair when I spar these guys just using hands, kickboxers generally make poor to mediocre boxers (Klitschko brothers and Nigel Benn are some of the exceptions!) so yeah I pulverised em!!
Anyways, it was a nice killer session and I weighed in at 104.5kg on their gym scales! Ha this weight is dropping off me and seems to be mainly far loss!
I started eating "wrong" for my blood type yesterday so I ought to get accurate results for someone eating wrong for their type. I gotta say though I MUCH prefer the way this essentially Pescatarian diet is working for me! Putting away the food is so much easier and the results are speaking for themselves so far! I'm hoping by starting the diet proper by the first of April it'll be enough to give me good results for the end of the contest.
Today's WO
They were having a little lifting competition in the gym today. Nothing special just max reps in one set of bench deadlift and squat. It was 75% of BW for bench and squat and 100% BW for deadlift.
Bench 1x19 @ 78.75kg
Deadlift 1x14 @ 105kg
Squat 1x30 @ 78.75kg - my head was pounding for done reason by the time I got to 26 on squats and by 29 I could only manage one more and had to sack it, I was starting to see stars as well!