This is 100% correct! The bottom line reason in very lehmans terms is.. and let me resay this and pound it in peoples brains.. BLOAT = INFLAMMATION. INFLAMMATION = the very beginning of every disease and illness that exists! Inflammation means your body is producing white blood cells to destroy something that the body feels is foreign and does not deserve to be in the body! This is why you cannot have a blood transfusion from certain types of blood to others.. What happens? Your body creates a TON of white blood cells which then traps the different blood being transfused in your body and literally causes it to congele, thicken, and kill you. So luckily when we eat something that has a different sugar strain than what our body's blood type should receive.. we don't die.. but our body reacts in the same way on a very smaller scale, which in the end will have the same result as a bad blood transfusion just much slower to kill you.
CS is lucky that his blood type has the same sugar strain as the basic strain of milk lactose has. So his body accepts it and does not try and fight it. So he digests it correctly and can be useful to him.
B and AB blood types are the only ones that can take in dairy without seeing the reaction of white blood cells and infllamation. They also tend be the most rare blood types. AB specifically. So thats why we wonder when we cut out dairy to lose weight, it works so effectively to most people generally? Makes sense?
Again, not diving into extreme scientifics, this is very basic terms so that people can get the generalness of the blood type diet.
CS, you even mentioned you seem to have indigestion when you eat a lot of red meats... I on the other hand feel amazing after eating a big steak, no bloat, no tiredness, in fact I feel the exact opposite. Because I'm type O and type O generally have the most stomach acid than any other blood type.. So its very easy to digest red meats versus the others.
If I add in some white potatoes or corn to that steak though.. I'm dying, extremely bloated, and generally get IBS 30-60 mins after my meal. If I have sweet potatoes though, I feel just fine and dandy and full of energy.
Anyway.. not to hijack your workout log CS.. We'll need those blood results as a baseline and start up a new thread to really go into detail. With anything though, pay attention to your body, if you get sick or don't feel good from following the kinds of foods it suggests, well no point on sticking to it.. Do what you feel is best for you.. but if you already notice you are feeling better from eating more fish and non red meats, then I say that says something in itself already.