Dietary fat
Let's start with dietary fat, the fat that's found in your food. Dietary fat is technically a
triglyceride, which is a molecule of glycerol (a sugar) bound to three fatty acids. All fatty acids
are not the same, though. They can differ in length from short to medium to long chain, depending
on how many carbons are present. They also differ in the number of double bonds which are
present. Saturated fats (found mainly in animal foods) have no double bonds, monounsaturated
fats (olive oil) have a single double bond, and polyunsaturated fats (fish oils, flax oil) have multiple
double bonds. Chemical differences in fat can affect metabolism and physiology.
Unlike proteins and carbohydrates, dietary fats aren't water soluble, they have to be
digested in the stomach with the help of bile acids released from the gallbladder. After a good bit
of processing (the details of which are unimportant here), most dietary fats are packaged as
chylomicrons which enter the lymphatic system. In contrast, carbohydrates and protein go to
the liver, via the portal system, after digestion and absorption.
Although chylomicrons will begin to appear within about 30 minutes after a meal, levels
donít reach a peak until about 3 hours. At either muscle or fat tissue, they are acted upon by an
enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL), which liberates the fatty acids from the chylomicron.
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Those fatty acids can either be stored in the fat cell or taken up into the bloodstream for use by
other tissues such as muscle and liver. Whether they are stored or released depends on the
metabolic state of the dieter. The main point is that dietary fat isn't going to be readily available
by tissues such as muscle and liver, even under the best of circumstances. There is a time lag.
But remember from above, one of our goals is to make fatty acids as readily available to
the body as possible. Is there any way to increase the rate at which dietary fat is available? The
answer is yes, having to do with two weird exceptions to the above.
The first exception, and probably the compound most readers have at least heard of, are
medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). Unlike longer chain fats, MCTs go the liver and are available
for use far more rapidly by other tissue. In addition, MCTs are preferentially used to produce
ketone bodies which can be used instead of glucose, amino acids or fatty acids by most tissues of
the body. In some studies this has a protein sparing effect and this is especially true in the initial
periods on a low-calorie low-carbohydrate diet.
A second potential exception is the newly available diacylglycerol (DAG) oil put out by a
company called ENOVA ( Unlike triglycerides, DAG oil is made available
to the body more rapidly than long-chain fats. Using either MCT or DAG oil should allow calories
to be reduced to lower than normal levels without causing as much muscle loss.
So what about body fat?
When people talk about body fat, what they mean are triglycerides which are stored in
your fat cells (there is also some stored in your muscles, called intramuscular triglyceride, but it
is a tiny amount compared to what's stored on your fat butt or stomach). An average individual
may have 30 billion fat cells which are composed of about 90% triglyceride stored as one big
droplet. The remaining 10% is water and the enzymatic machinery which controls cellular
Now, not all fat cells on your body are the same. Researchers have identified at least 4
different "types" of bodyfat, although we can actually make at least one further distinction.
First is essential bodyfat, which exists in small quantities (about 3% of the total in men,
and 9-12% of the total in women) in the brain, spinal cord, etc. You can't lose it, and if you did
you'd be dead. The amount of essential bodyfat sets the ultimate lower limit for bodyfat
percentage. So that should be 3% for men and 9% for women. I should note that you will
occasionally see claims of bodyfat percentages less than 3% for men or less than 9% for women.
It's not that the folks are lying, so much as the fact that the measurement methods being used
aren't as accurate as they need (or are claimed) to be. We don't need to worry about essential fat
in this book. Like I said, you can't lose it and even if you could, you'd be dead.
A second type of fat is brown fat (brown adipose tissue aka BAT) which is a specialized
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type of fat that actually burns up the other types of fat, producing heat in the process. In
contrast to white fat (all the other types), which is primarily triglyceride with a little bit of other
stuff, brown fat is made up mainly of mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell), with very little
triglyceride. The high mitochondrial content makes brown fat ideal for burning fatty acids for
heat. The problem is, while animals have a lot of brown fat (they need it to keep body
temperature up against the cold and such), humans lose most of their brown fat once they move
past the baby stage of life. We can pretty much ignore it for the rest of this book. You should
also question any supplements that claim to cause fat loss via brown fat activation; it will
probably work wonderfully in your pet hamster or mouse but that's about it.
Next up is visceral fat. This is a type of fat that surrounds your internal organs. In excess
it gives you a pregnant look because it makes your gut stick out. Visceral fat has a number of
different characteristics from subcutaneous fat (which I'll discuss next chapter) which has some
consequences for both health and dieting. Men tend to have more visceral fat than women as
testosterone and cortisol tends to promote its accumulation. Women who use anabolic steroids,
or who have higher than normal testosterone for whatever reason, tend to accumulate visceral
fat as well. By the time men reach the 12-15% bodyfat range, it is unlikely that they will carry
much visceral fat unless they have been using androgens.
The type of fat most dieters are concerned with is subcutaneous fat which is found under
the skin. In men, subcutaneous fat tends to accumulate around the midsection and low-back; in
women, it tends to be on the hips and thighs. This occurs under the influence of the hormones
testosterone/cortisol and estrogen/progesterone in men and women respectively. This is why kids
before puberty have the same bodyfat patterns and kids after don't.
In fact, when researchers pump sex-change patients up with hormones, they see a shift in
bodyfat: men take on female bodyfat patterns and vice versa. Women who don't go on hormone
replacement after menopause (meaning they produce no estrogen) tend to lose the fat in their
hips and thighs and gain it in their stomach area. As I've mentioned, some lucky individuals have
more even fat distributions and still look ok even when they're carrying a lot of fat; they are
simply smooth all over. If you're reading this book, odds are you aren't one of them.
We (not the researchers) can subdivide subcutaneous fat into two types: normal and
stubborn. Normal fat is just normal subcutaneous fat that comes off without too much effort. A
little calorie cutting, a little cardio, and it comes off without too much trouble. Stubborn fat is the
other kind, that stuff that goes on first, and comes off last, if it ever comes off at all. Stubborn fat
is generally ab and low back fat for men and hip and thigh fat for women. There are reasons that
stubborn fat is so stubborn that you'll learn about soon.
Now that you know the basics of both dietary fat metabolism and bodyfat, let's get into
the details of how fat is burned off and how we can optimize the process.
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Chapter 6: Fat cell metabolism
The ultimate goal of a diet is to lose bodyfat of course so let's look at the processes
controlling that. That means examining the steps involved in mobilizing fat from fat cells and
burning them off.
First, let me elaborate on what it means to lose or "burn" bodyfat. What this means is
that the fat stored in your fat cells is removed from those cells and converted to energy elsewhere
in the body. Most tissues in the body (there are a few exceptions such as the brain) can use fatty
acids for fuel, but the main ones we are interested in are skeletal muscle and the liver. I want to
mention that even though the brain can't use fatty acids directly, it can use ketones which are
made from fatty acid metabolism in the liver.
Let's look at the mechanisms underlying the process of fat loss. Although the process can
be further subdivided, we are only interested in three major steps of fatty acid metabolism:
mobilization, transport, and oxidation (burning).
Step 1: Mobilization
The first step in burning off bodyfat is getting it out of your fat cells. You might even argue
that this is the most important step since, if you can't get it out of the fat cell, you can't burn it
Recall from last chapter that bodyfat is primarily stored triglyceride, with a small amount
of water and some enzymatic and cellular machinery. Mobilizing bodyfat requires that we first
break down the stored triglyceride into three fatty acids and a molecule of glycerol. The rate
limiting step in this process is an enzyme called hormone sensitive lipase (HSL).
So what regulates HSL? Although a number of hormones such as testosterone, cortisol,
estrogen, and growth hormone have modulating effects on HSL activity (mainly increasing or
decreasing total levels of HSL in the fat cell), the only hormones that we need to be concerned
with in terms of HSL activity are insulin and the catecholamines.
The primary inactivator of HSL is the hormone insulin and it only takes very tiny
amounts (depending on insulin sensitivity) to have an effect. Even fasting insulin levels are
sufficient to inactivate HSL by nearly 50%. Small increases in insulin (from either protein or
carbohydrate intake) inactivate HSL further. Additionally, the mere presence of triglycerides in
the bloodstream (via infusion or by just eating dietary fat by itself) also inhibits HSL activity so
this isn't as simple as just blaming insulin. One way or another, any time you eat, HSL is going
to be inactivated, either by the increase in insulin from protein or carbs or the presence of fat in
the bloodstream from eating fat.
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The primary hormones which activate HSL are the catecholamines: adrenaline and
noradrenaline. Adrenaline is released from the adrenal cortex, traveling through the bloodstream
to affect numerous tissues in the body. This means that blood flow to fat cells has an impact on
how much or how little adrenaline will reach fat cells. Noradrenaline is released from nerve
terminals which interact directly with the cells.
More technically, both insulin and the catecholamines affect levels of cyclical AMP (cAMP)
in the fat cell which is what really determines how active HSL is. When cAMP levels are low,
HSL activity is also low and fat breakdown is low. When cAMP levels are high, HSL activity is
high and fat breakdown increases.
Insulin lowers levels of cAMP and the catecholamines, in general, raise levels of cAMP (I'll
explain this statement in a second). The higher the level of cAMP, the more active HSL is and
the more bodyfat that gets broken down and released from the fat cell. It should be clear that,
from a fat loss standpoint, we want high levels of cAMP.
A tangent: all about adrenoreceptors
To understand some of the cryptic remarks above, I need to back up a bit and explain how
the catecholamines send their signals. All hormones work through specific receptors and the
catecholamines are no different, they have their own specific receptors called adrenoreceptors.
There are two major classes of adrenoreceptors: beta and alpha, which are found all over
the body. This includes the brain, liver, skeletal muscle, fat cells, heart, blood vessels, etc.; you
name it and there are probably adrenoreceptors there.
Now, there are at least 3 (and maybe 4) different beta receptors called, imaginatively:
beta-1, beta-2, beta-3, and beta-4 (or the atypical beta-3). Alpha-adrenoreceptors come in at
least two flavors, alpha-1 and alpha-2. There are additional subtypes of each adrenoreceptor but
this is more detail than we really need. Tangentially, beta-3 receptors (and drugs called beta-3
agonists) became a huge research project when it was found that beta-3 activation caused major
fat loss in animals; it was hoped that the drugs would work in humans as well. Unfortunately,
beta-3 receptors are found primarily on brown fat cells which, as I said, animals tend to have lots
of and humans don't.
The main receptors we need to worry about in human fat cells are alpha-2 receptors and
beta-1 and beta-2 receptors, both of which actively bind the catecholamine hormones. When
catecholamines bind to beta-1,2 receptors, they increase cAMP levels, which increases fat
breakdown. Great. However, when the catecholamines bind alpha-2 receptors, they decrease
cAMP levels which decreases fat breakdown. Not great. But it means that catecholamines,
which I told you were fat mobilizers, can actually send both fat mobilizing and anti-fat mobilizing
signals: by binding to either alpha- or beta-receptors.
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So why does this matter? Different areas of bodyfat have different distributions of alpha-2
and beta-1,2 adrenoreceptors. For example, women's lower bodyfat (hips and thighs) have been
found to have 9 times as many alpha-2 receptors as beta-1,2 receptors. Some research indicates
that men's abdominal fat is similar, with more alpha-2 than beta-1,2 receptors. Now you know
part of why its so difficult to reduce these stubborn fat areas; with a greater number of alpha-2
receptors to bind catecholamines, it's that much more difficult to stimulate fat breakdown in
those fat cells.
Other factors affect adrenoreceptor function as well. Androgens and thyroid tend to
increase the sensitivity of beta-1,2 receptors to the catecholamines. This may be part of why
men (who have higher androgens and higher thyroid, on average) lose fat more easily. The factors
controlling alpha-2 adrenoreceptor function aren't as well elucidated.
Back to mobilization: summing up
I should note that insulin pretty much always wins the battle over fat cell metabolism.
That is, even in the face of high catecholamine levels, if insulin is elevated, fat mobilization will be
impaired. As it turns out, this generally doesn't happen under normal conditions. Typically when
insulin is high, the catecholamines are low and vice versa (e.g. during exercise, insulin levels drop
as catecholamine levels go up). There are exceptions of course. If you drink a carb drink during
aerobic exercise, for example, the slight increase in insulin will decrease fat mobilization despite
high levels of catecholamines.
Just remember the following: insulin inhibits fat mobilization and the catecholamines
(generally) increase it. Insulin always wins the battle. So when insulin is high and the
catecholamines are low, fat tends to be stored. When insulin is low and the catecholamines are
high, fat will be mobilized. A bit simplistic? Perhaps. But good enough for the time being. The
real take home message is that, from a fat mobilization standpoint, we want low insulin and high
catecholamine levels. Both can be readily accomplished by altering diet (lowering carbohydrates
and calories) and exercise (which increases catecholamines).
Step 2: Blood flow and transport
So imagine a situation where insulin is low and the catecholamines are high, causing stored
triglyceride to be broken down (the technical word is hydrolyzed) to glycerol and free fatty acids
(FFAs). Both enter the micro-circulation around the fat cells. The glycerol can be used for a lot of
different things, including glucose production in the liver, but we can ignore it for now. The FFAs
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are what we're interested in.
Some of the FFA will simply get stored back in the fat cell (a process called re-
esterification). What doesn't get restored may either sit in the bloodstream as a free fatty acid or
bind to albumin (a protein made in the liver). So now we have albumin-bound FFAs sitting in the
circulation surrounding the fat cell Since the FFA can't be burned there, it has to be transported
away from the fat cell; this depends on blood flow to and from the fat cell.
As with insulin sensitivity and adrenoreceptor ratios, fat depots differ in terms of blood
flow. Visceral fat, for example, has an extremely high blood flow relative to other fat depots. This
is on top of being extremely sensitive to the catecholamines, and relatively resistant to the
effects of insulin. Visceral fat is mobilized fairly easily and, because of this, it generally goes
away the fastest (especially with exercise).
Relative to visceral fat, abdominal (and probably low-back) fat has less blood flow, is less
sensitive to the fat mobilizing effects of the catecholamines, and more sensitive to insulin. This
makes it more stubborn than visceral fat. Hip and thigh fat is, by far, the worst; it has the
lowest blood flow, is the least sensitive to the catecholamines and the most sensitive to insulin.
So now we have yet another reason that stubborn fat is stubborn: poor blood flow which
makes transporting the mobilized fatty acids away more difficult. Actually, it isn't entirely true
that blood flow to stubborn fat cells is always slow. In response to a meal, blood flow to stubborn
fat increases readily; at all other times, blood flow to stubborn fat is slow. Basically, it's easier to
store calories in stubborn fat than to get it back out.
Studies show that women tend to have preferential increases in blood flow to their hips and
thighs after a meal; the old wivesí tale about fatty foods going straight to the hips turns out to be
true after all. Men tend to send more to visceral fat (which is actually easy to mobilize) and more
of it sits around in their bloodstream; this makes it easier to lose bodyfat but is one reason men
are more prone to heart attacks.
But the point is made, poor blood flow to stubborn fat cells is yet another reason dieting to
sub-average bodyfat levels is difficult. So how might we improve blood flow to and from fat cells?
Blood flow to fat cells improves during fasting and, although we can't fast completely (too much
muscle loss), we can mimic the condition with a low-carbohydrate/ketogenic diet. This fits in with
our goal of lowering insulin in the first place and turns out to have an extra advantage that I'll
discuss in a later chapter.
As it turns out, thyroid levels affect blood flow to fat cells significantly. Low thyroid (which
is common among women and, I suspect, among genetically average men) decreases blood flow to
fat cells and normal or even high thyroid levels improve it. Short of using thyroid medication (a
replacement dose of perhaps 25-100 mcg), there's not much we can do here.
However, aerobic exercise improves blood flow to fat cells in addition to burning calories, so
that's a possible solution. Some studies show that aerobic exercise can overcome the normally
low blood flow to stubborn fat. Considering their problems with lower bodyfat, this might explain
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the observation that female bodybuilders need to do more cardio than men to get ripped.
There are also alpha- and beta-adrenoreceptors on the walls of the circulatory system
which control whether or not the blood vessels constrict (slowing blood flow) or dilate (increasing
it). As with fat cell metabolism itself, alpha-adrenoreceptors tend to decrease adipose tissue blood
flow while beta-adrenoreceptors tend to increase it. Other compounds such as nitric oxide,
prostaglandins and adenosine also affect adipose tissue blood flow and it appears that the fat cell
regulates its own blood flow to a great degree. In general, if you can get fat breakdown to occur,
various substances which are produced tend to increase blood flow (to get the FFAs away from
the fat cell).
Step 3: Uptake and utilization
So now we've mobilized fatty acids into the bloodstream, bound them to albumin and
managed to get them away from the fat cell and into the general circulation. What's next?
Eventually, the albumin-bound FFA will run into a tissue (such as the liver or muscle) which can
use it for fuel. The FFA will be taken up into that tissue (apparently by a specific fatty acid
binding protein) at this time for one of a couple of fates. In both liver and muscle, the FFA can
either be re-stored as triglyceride (which is unusual under normal dieting conditions but occurs
during overfeeding) or burned for energy. We'll focus only on the latter.
To be used for energy, the FFA has to be transported into the mitochondria by an enzyme
called carnitine palmityl transferase (CPT). Incidentally, this is the idea behind carnitine
supplements; by increasing levels of CPT, you get more fat burning. While this is great in theory,
it doesn't really work in practice (if it does, the doses needed are absurdly high and expensive).
CPT activity is controlled by a few different factors, including your aerobic capacity (the more
aerobically fit you are, the more fat you burn), as well as glycogen levels.
Glycogen is simply a long carbohydrate chain stored in your muscles or liver. When
glycogen is high, CPT activity is low and fat burning is low, and vice versa. This is true for both
muscle and liver. By depleting muscle and liver glycogen, we can increase CPT activity, allowing
us to burn off the fatty acids at a faster rate. This is readily accomplished with the combination
of lowered carbohydrates and intensive training which fits in with our other goals rather nicely