New member
I know you cant always have your cake and eat it too, but Im trying to formulate a little bit of both worlds in my training (bodybuilding and powerlifting) Can you guys/gals tell me if this would be a good start for training the BP.
Mon: De bench day 8x3@ 50% of raw max (going to be getting the mini bands soon)
Dumbell Flat: 3sets
Decline Barbell: 3-4 sets
Incline dumbell 3-4 sets
*I throw in a cross body movement (cables, flyes) every other week or so
I know this is a lot of pressing, but I want to get my speed up, yet still maintain a "bodybuilder" like approach to my training as well.
Wed. Me Bench Day: Me exerise (ie. this week is floor press)
Followed by:
-Close grip bp 4sets
-Tate Press 4 sets
- Lying dbell extensions.
Im still trying to get one figured out for deads and squats.
I guess in simpler terms Im trying to take the idea of Dynamic and Max Effort days for bench, squat, and deadlift and fit them into a bodybuilding like routine.
Im I wasting my time and energy? I know that B Fold posted a while back that WSB and accomadating resistance can be useful to people who have a more bodybuilding oriented regimen, so Im really trying to focus on implementing that into my program. I appreciate all suggestions!
Mon: De bench day 8x3@ 50% of raw max (going to be getting the mini bands soon)
Dumbell Flat: 3sets
Decline Barbell: 3-4 sets
Incline dumbell 3-4 sets
*I throw in a cross body movement (cables, flyes) every other week or so
I know this is a lot of pressing, but I want to get my speed up, yet still maintain a "bodybuilder" like approach to my training as well.
Wed. Me Bench Day: Me exerise (ie. this week is floor press)
Followed by:
-Close grip bp 4sets
-Tate Press 4 sets
- Lying dbell extensions.
Im still trying to get one figured out for deads and squats.
I guess in simpler terms Im trying to take the idea of Dynamic and Max Effort days for bench, squat, and deadlift and fit them into a bodybuilding like routine.
Im I wasting my time and energy? I know that B Fold posted a while back that WSB and accomadating resistance can be useful to people who have a more bodybuilding oriented regimen, so Im really trying to focus on implementing that into my program. I appreciate all suggestions!