naturally anabolic
New member
I find this foolish to think about but my doctors have kept saying this repeatedly, even those who have familiarity with bodybuilding and fitness. for instance, after meeting with one of my oncologists we went thru a typical day of my eating, and it was determined i was eating right around 200g of protein, which is not bad considering most of my nutrients come in the puree'd and blended variety of baby food and protein shakes. The doctor expressed to me that i may want to lower that amount slightly 30-40g because he felt the added protein was not doing me good but instead doing bad. He explained that processing proteins, especially excessive wasted protein out of the body alone was taxing. Now, I do not know if this is specifically my problem or one in general but it made me start to rethink the way i had dieted in the past, even making me doubt some of it.
someone tell me im crazy.
someone tell me im crazy.