plyos arent an off season training method. they are used in the preseason phase because youre trying to transfer the power from the off season training into explosive proprioceptive cns innervation. i would avoid all depth drops during this training phase and work on foot speed off the ground. you dont need to drop any further than 6 inches to get the most out of plyos. be weary of 18 to 20 inch drops, thats an old plyo training method.
for legs, avoid quad dominant exercises. your goal should focus on posterior chain strength. increasing quad strength invariably leads to tighter hip flexors which shorten your knee drive = shorter strides = slower times. bb squats, box squats, deads, steps ups, walking lunges, reverse hypers, sled pulls, tire flips. these would be my core exercises for a leg routine while using bands and chains to focus on specific depths in the squat/box squat.
for legs, avoid quad dominant exercises. your goal should focus on posterior chain strength. increasing quad strength invariably leads to tighter hip flexors which shorten your knee drive = shorter strides = slower times. bb squats, box squats, deads, steps ups, walking lunges, reverse hypers, sled pulls, tire flips. these would be my core exercises for a leg routine while using bands and chains to focus on specific depths in the squat/box squat.