'Haha, yeah, you've got to love the guys who think they are going to be ripped after dieting for 2 weeks.'
Yea, if that..
I got a few buds here in the university who were discussing the following:
"hey man, i been training for two weeks now and man it seems like i don't grow. i heard the guy in the gym talking about dianabol getting you ripped, should i start it now?"
well, i saw how these buds of my train (running all over the gym from one machine to another) and eat (bagels, pancakes..the shit) no wonder. visited them a few days ago and now their room is stocked with all the prohormones - they tell me they're like 700% better than steroids according to studies. asked me how to take them, but in all honesty i got no idea as i've never looked at ph's as worthy investment.
dumb, desultory kids with no plan and discipline, but skyhigh ambitions..