well.. let me tell you.. the cholesterol is HIGH compared to other brands.. sodium is high... doesn't taste that good, doesn't mix well. This was the powder I used before the bottle I have now. I am using Dymatize Banana smooth now, and it is nearly no cholesterol and the sodium is pretty low. 23g pro, 2.5 carbs... and can be had for a little cheaper per pound than the bodyfortress.
That company that sells this on ebay is absolutly amazing.. same or next day shipping, and gets here quick (granted only going 1 state to get to me). I am really liking the smooth banana but they have 9 other flavors. I really think you should stay away from the BF if you can. I understand it is convenient and cheap, but you can get this for EVEN cheaper (and yes, after shipping), just have to wait on shipping. Just my 2cents man.. no need to have cholesterol and sodium that you don't need.