I think most of you helped me out. But I credit GinNJuice the most on this one. He said...
"here are three solutions: 1)You 'somehow' stop letting it bother you, 2)She stops talking to them so much, 3) You leave her and find someone else."
That made alot of sence to me. So choice 3 was going to be my choice if she wasn't going to even try and change, but she was willing to compromise so choice 3 was eliminated. Now choice 2 was my preffered choice so I tried to convince her to drop her friends. We talked and talked and she said...
"no I won't drop them completely because this is all about you getting what you want. Your trying to control me. This isn't about me giving up my guy friends, it's about me giving up my freedom."
So I said...
"I can't be with you like this. It's to stressfull." Then I said...
"OK I'll give it one more try just the way it is now.(choice 1) But no promises I won't bug. This could bea dangerous situtation because it might build up and I might kill some body. So the rule is no hangin out alone with guys, there always has to be another girl around, and no drugs involved especially alcohol."
Then you'll never believe this. After this agrement was made, I think she saw clear that it truly is hurting me and that it wasn't about me being in controll, she was willing to give them all up. But here's the catch. She feels funny telling them why, so she promises that in 6 months they will all be gone. Really there is only 3 of them. She says she'll slowly let them die out this way it doesn't look so bad. You see bro's...the one thing my is not, is a slut. She was practeclly a virgin when I met her, and it took me 6 months to hit it. That goes a long way with me. Any how it's funny how women work. It seemed that when she realized I was willing to hurt and still be with her, that showed her that I really cared. And right after that she was willing to sacrafice for me.
"It's like mind over matter. If you don't mind... IT DON'T MATTER"
-John Gotti, when asked how he felt about his life sentence
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