I know Cornholio wanted to do a before and after.. not sure how this fits in with his time frames but here ya go.
First pic is September 2002.. second pic is just a couple weeks ago in April.. basically 6 months.
I was bulking strong until January when I was at 213.
Cut hardcore down to 189..
At this pic I'm at about 190.
BF% just around 10%
I still feel small and puny.. probably because I am.
I'd like to get all feedback, good, bad, positive, negative, flames, women wanting to have sex with me, men wanting to have sex with me.. whatever. If I was worried about my ego I wouldn't post this in Chat.
First pic is September 2002.. second pic is just a couple weeks ago in April.. basically 6 months.
I was bulking strong until January when I was at 213.
Cut hardcore down to 189..
At this pic I'm at about 190.
BF% just around 10%
I still feel small and puny.. probably because I am.
I'd like to get all feedback, good, bad, positive, negative, flames, women wanting to have sex with me, men wanting to have sex with me.. whatever. If I was worried about my ego I wouldn't post this in Chat.