New member
ok bros. looking for some advice here bc i'm getting mixed advice from my trainer and w/o partner:
i'm 7 weeks out from doing my first BB contest. i'm 5'6 175lbs, bf @ 7% electro.tested today.
been on since nov. 1st:
test e & c 500mg/broken down 250mg/mon. & thurs week 1-present
dbol 30 mg/day weeks 1-4
deca 600 mg/1xwk weeks 1-12
AIFM 1-2 pumps/day weeks 1-present
lr3-igf 60 mcg/day weeks 12- present (for next 4 weeks)
i have tren a, winny, clen, proviran and more test. i am going to cycle clen 2wks on 2wks off. till contest.
my question is: when to start the tren/winn/clen /prov., now? are these ok, need to cut something out? or add something in? this is my first time with tren & winny so i dont want to start too far out. i am very aware of the tren sides , sleep, sweats.
still w/o 5x week and doing insane amounts of low intensity cardio. i'm 43yo, been lifting for 10yrs.+, this is my 4th cycle. this is the best shape/size that i have been in my life! i'm gonna hit this contest good or die trying(not literally)!i'd like to findout advice to my questions above or ANY advice from vets or contest bros. thanks in advanced!
i'm 7 weeks out from doing my first BB contest. i'm 5'6 175lbs, bf @ 7% electro.tested today.
been on since nov. 1st:
test e & c 500mg/broken down 250mg/mon. & thurs week 1-present
dbol 30 mg/day weeks 1-4
deca 600 mg/1xwk weeks 1-12
AIFM 1-2 pumps/day weeks 1-present
lr3-igf 60 mcg/day weeks 12- present (for next 4 weeks)
i have tren a, winny, clen, proviran and more test. i am going to cycle clen 2wks on 2wks off. till contest.
my question is: when to start the tren/winn/clen /prov., now? are these ok, need to cut something out? or add something in? this is my first time with tren & winny so i dont want to start too far out. i am very aware of the tren sides , sleep, sweats.
still w/o 5x week and doing insane amounts of low intensity cardio. i'm 43yo, been lifting for 10yrs.+, this is my 4th cycle. this is the best shape/size that i have been in my life! i'm gonna hit this contest good or die trying(not literally)!i'd like to findout advice to my questions above or ANY advice from vets or contest bros. thanks in advanced!