Today i did this for deadlifts
135x12, 175x10, 225x8, 275x6, 315x3. . . .
i did three sets of barbell rows, and 3 sets of seated low pulley rows followed by wide grip pulldowns.
Are the sets i did legit for a back day?
Today i did this for deadlifts
135x12, 175x10, 225x8, 275x6, 315x3. . . .
i did three sets of barbell rows, and 3 sets of seated low pulley rows followed by wide grip pulldowns.
Are the sets i did legit for a back day?
Looks ok, how do you feel after? Do you feel you worked hard enough? Don't get too caught up in the numbers and especially don't compare numbers with others. What's good for you is all that is important and that you push yourself to try and make progress.
my leg biceps are dead, and i feel it a little in my middle back and glutes. the only problem is encountered was i was too fatigued after deadlifting i could barely do lat pulldowns. also my row form was horrible and i have to get better at rows.
think about training exercises instead of body parts. currently mine are sldl, weighted pull ups, pendlay rows and power cleans. i have two pull days. Tues and Thurs. i split them up and train them progressively over several weeks. I'm a big fan of free weight compound movement for strength and size. i haven't used a cable of any sort in years. so really the point is instead of throwing everything and the kitchen sink at your back and hitting it from all different types of angles do as prescribed above.
Stay away from the behind the neck pulls. Far away, as far away as you can, run if you must...
For width go crazy with Pullups/downs, most upright back excersises add width and any bent over ad thickness (So I here). Just do as many differnt variations of Pullup/downs as you can and put a few sets to each along with some rows and racked deads and youll be sweet and dont forget the shrugs.