Holy shit. Get a grip, woman. As much as I hate to admit it, I've been in court for traffic violations more times than you've probably been pulled over for that stupid ass tint you so proudly refuse to get rid of...
You would get a court date if you disputed the ticket. Plain and simple. The only way you would not get the court date is if you complied and just paid the damn fine and pleaded "guilty". Yeah, the cop would have had to show up in court. Duh. They usually don't show up, which means that if you did show up, your dumb ass would have been off the hook, regardless.
How does making an ass of the cop (assuming he was TRULY in the wrong, and actually did show up for the court date) in court NOT make a difference?? If you are a bitch to the cop when he pulls you over, guess who knows about it?? Ummm... You, and the cop. In front of a Judge, you get to redeem yourself, and, if you are indeed innocent, maybe... just maybe, that same cop will hesitate just a little more next time he sees you roilling down the street in your "tinted out, paid for by daddy" car. Just a thought.
Now, specifically... I mean, in detail... tell me how I contradicted myself.
Main Entry: con·tra·dict
Pronunciation: "kän-tr&-'dikt
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Latin contradictus, past participle of contradicere, from contra- + dicere to say, speak -- more at DICTION
1 : to assert the contrary of : take issue with <contradict a rumor>
2 : to imply the opposite or a denial of <your actions contradict your words>
synonym see DENY
- con·tra·dict·able /-'dik-t&-b&l/ adjective
- con·tra·dic·tor /-'dik-t&r/ noun