can you imagine what that bitch feels like on your back?? I have squatted almost exactly HALF of this weight (555) as a personal best and it felt like the WORLD to me. but I am weak....
"Here is a picture from my latest meet at the Arnold Classic WPO powerlifting meet. At this meet I squated, deadlifted and totalled more than any woman has done before.
I this guy out of Spokane WA ??...I don't like the fact that they do it out of a mono lift...saves a lot of effort not having to step back with it....but at least it was low enough! ....
BTW check out the quads on the chick that b fold posted the picture of!
Originally posted by Deepsquat I this guy out of Spokane WA ??...I don't like the fact that they do it out of a mono lift...saves a lot of effort not having to step back with it....but at least it was low enough! ....
BTW check out the quads on the chick that b fold posted the picture of!
I thought that in all competitions the monolift is used for squats. I couldnt imagine taking a step backward with 1102