Not enough ancillary work
I hope I dont sound stupid saying this but, what is ancillary work? I'm just not sure what the term is.
Need to find your weak spot and crush it(as was mentioned)
I've been working on that. I know what to work on pretty well when it comes to benching/squating, but with deadlifting, when your weakpoint is low, what exercises should you do for that, and same when your weakpoint is high?
Ditch the flat bench for a while, try inclines as primary
Every time i ditch flat bench, when i go back to it in 1-2months or howeverlong, my flat bench barely moves. So it worries me to stay away from it for long. I mean, it makes sense to me that if im trying to increase my flat bench, why not do flat bench instead of something else? I know you also need to work on your weak points, but you have a few exercises, so why not make that one of them?
Like b said, why would you be pulling 5 lbs less than your max attempt as the prior set? Are you doing too much before your single attempt?
My max attempt wasn't going to be 365, I was hoping to pull much higher actually. After I pulled 360 though and realized how hard it was

, I dunno, i kinda just got really frustrated and knew I wasn't pulling 375+ so I made a small jump, I didn't even finish the rest of the workout(which i need to do today).
You sure your diet is good to go?
I'm pretty sure. I know a good bit about what to eat, when to eat it, why to eat it and blah blah blah

. I weigh 165, and consume anywhere from 225-275g of protein a day, and although I don't keep track of the carbs/fats as much anymore, I make sure most of my carbs are complex and my fats are EFAs, and I make sure I get enough of them. I'm trying to maintain that bodyweight though, so thats why I'm only at 165

. I get plenty of water as well.
Sleep, stress, women, preoccupation?
I usually operate on 8 hours of sleep a night. Normally I try not to worry about anything, thus eliminating stress, the only thing that even really stresses me out is not putting up weight that i should be!!!!!
Amen, when something most people think of as bad "happens" to you, it's no big deal and people are amazed it doesn't bother you so much. When anything to do with training goes bad then people can't understand why you get so annoyed.
Haha, i completely agree with that man

That is exactly how my life is.
TO everyone that has replied, thanks a lot, i really appreciate it. I need to figure this out and you guys helping me out is awesome, I hope i can pay you guys back one day

. But I still can't figure out exaclty what to do, the only thing im thinking of is doing more flat bench/deadlifts than I do now.