I hear what you're saying bro. I know that those 2 days were exceptionally good days. On good days one can always lift more, at least w/ me i can. I did notice one thing in those 2 days, I increased doseage a lot in a short amount of time right before the gym. It gave me an aggressiveness i've never felt before, and like i stated earlier i was working balls to the walls and didn't want to go home. I just felt incredibly strong. I also had my bro working out w/ me and me and him are always competing, so that added more fuel to the fire. I'd say the andro did help a bit, but there were other factors to take into consideration as well. Before those 2 days i had been training by myself and was in a bit of plateu. No matter what i always lift more when i work out w/ my bro, b/c we are very competitve and push eachother a lot. The andro helped out a great deal w/ aggressiveness and some strength, and besides that i was having 2 great friggin days. I haven't tried working out like that since then, maybe next week, if i do i'll report my results. I know i'm still stronger b/c although i'm doing weights very slowly i'm doing heavy weights w/ it. I think the andro helps out w/ strength and recovery, and sometimes w/ aggressiveness.