New member
Please comment on my next bulking cycle -- a 12-wk cycle of 500mg test + 400mg primo per week.
keep in mind that i am not made of money, so HGH is out, and that I want to have a functioning liver, so 12 wks of anadrol is also not going to happen...
31 yrs old
6'1", 33" waist, 16.5-17" biceps
205lb, 9-10%bf
past cycles:
1. bulk: 450mg deca (8wks) + dbol (4 wks)
2. cut: 250mg omna + 200mg primo (8wks)
I responded well to the first cycle, but lost some of the gains when I came off and put on more fat than I had hoped. second cycle was a just to preserve muscle while cutting. i went from 14-15% to about 8-9%, but I'm not sure that the AAS really contributed much. my goals for this cycle are to add 10lbs of solid/permanent muscle.
keep in mind that i am not made of money, so HGH is out, and that I want to have a functioning liver, so 12 wks of anadrol is also not going to happen...
31 yrs old
6'1", 33" waist, 16.5-17" biceps
205lb, 9-10%bf
past cycles:
1. bulk: 450mg deca (8wks) + dbol (4 wks)
2. cut: 250mg omna + 200mg primo (8wks)
I responded well to the first cycle, but lost some of the gains when I came off and put on more fat than I had hoped. second cycle was a just to preserve muscle while cutting. i went from 14-15% to about 8-9%, but I'm not sure that the AAS really contributed much. my goals for this cycle are to add 10lbs of solid/permanent muscle.