Delts and Arms tonight felt full blown thanks to the boys at
@Raptor Labs. Certainly not the best pics but we were in a rush tonight lol
Machine Rear Delt Fly
50kg x 20
50kg x 16
Lying Cuffed Cable Lateral
17.5kg x 10
16.25kg x 12
High Incline Dbell Press
45 x 8
37.5 x 10
Dbell Standing Lateral
15kg x 15
15kg x 13
Standing Cuffed Cable Lateral
46.25 x 18
45 x 15
Single Arm Cuffed Lateral
50kg x 13
45kg x 18
Cable Overhead Tricep Ext
75kg x 13
70kg x 10
Single Arm Preacher
20kg x 13
20kg x 10
V Bar Tricep Pushdown
45kg x 12
40kg x 15
Cable Hammer Curl
85kg x 15
95kg x 12
Standing Calf Raise